This long-running series follows the adventures of a team of lifeguards on a crowded resort beach. Veteran lifeguard Mitch Buchannon watches over the younger lifeguards that come and go with each passing season as they keep the beaches safe for vacationers. Frequently he must take action to save them from the raging seas and from the raging tempers that sometimes flare up between the young guards in this stressful job.
iMDB Rating: 4.8
Date Released : 16 March 2001
Genre : Drama, Action, Adventure
Stars : David Hasselhoff, Pamela Anderson, Yasmine Bleeth, Jeremy Jackson
Movie Quality : HDrip
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Review :
"I'll be ready... forever and always I'm always here..."
Once the world's most-watched TV programme, Baywatch has become a significant part of television history.
Okay, so it's not known for great plots (except maybe for the first few years) and brilliant acting, but, once upon a time, EVERYONE watched it.
Personally, I watched most of episodes from 1990-1994, I of course, liked Pam and Yasmine, but to be honest, my favourite part of the show was the beginning theme... and I have no idea why.
It's been a great stepping stone for many Californian model-type actresses, and Pam wouldn't have been as big (and I mean that in a non-boob-job kinda way) without it.
I haven't seen any episodes outside of 94, but the memories I do have of the episodes I viewed were pretty good!!
I don't know if it has finished in the States, and I don't really care. I've seen as many eps as I care to have sat through, and that's enough for me!
"Baywatch" R.I.P 1989-2001
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