This show centers on the NYPD's Major Case Squad (and the offbeat, Sherlock Holmes-like Detective Robert Goren) in its efforts to stop the worst criminal offenders in New York. It also puts a new twist to the "Law & Order" formula: now, in each episode, we see the crimes as they are planned and committed.
iMDB Rating: 7.1
Date Released : 30 June 2004
Genre : Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Stars : Kathryn Erbe, Vincent D'Onofrio, Jamey Sheridan, Courtney B. Vance. The third "Law and Order" series involves the criminal justice system from the criminal's point of view." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
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Review :
Vincent D'Onofrio shines as Robert Goren
Somehow when I first started watching Law and Order C.I. I couldn't help but laugh at the crook and their lawyers when Vincent D'Onofrio talks circles around them. By the time the criminal and their lawyer realizes what's happened he's already confessed and doesn't even know he's confessed to killing a person. If I had to pick four Detectives that I like, they'd definitely be Briscoe and Green and Goren and his partner. I some how prefer them to some of the Detectives that I've seen on other TV shows. I'd have to say that this is definitely where D'Onofrio shines at his best, if it's a child then he gets down to the child's level of understanding and intelligence and speaks to them using words that they understand, if it's an adult suspect then he simply just talks circles around them until they admit that they've committed the crime without even knowing about it.
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